Real Life Starcraft/Broodwar

I was searching for some video replays of Starcraft on YouTube when I stumbled across these two very hilarious videos, but of course you'll need to be a Starcraft fan to be able to appreciate them.

Well, here you go. They were both made by the same group of people. Try not to laugh too loud if you are watching this in the office, and you'll need to put on your earphones, cos' the sound effects may be a little disturbing.

Real Life Starcraft

Real Life Broodwar

I don't know about you, but watching this does bring back many fond gaming memories of yesteryears.


The Hungry Hog said…
haha...nuclear launch detected! that struck fear into everyone man. nostalgia :)
eugch said…
hehe, Starcraft was truly a classic :)
But these guys are really funny don't you think, the ground humping drone and the marine that ODed on stim-packs hahahah.