I got this from a forwarded email just today. Pretty meaningful if you ask me. After some googling, I found out that this art was originally created by AdonisWerther, and is appropriately filed under the series called Life.
4 pictures here summarizes the 4 phases of one's life, going thru childhood, courtship, relationship, losing a loved one and finally death itself. Notice the little details such as the number of birds, the kite, the trees and the time of day, all relating to the passage of one's life. Also, pay extra attention to the changes in the trees, how they change/age to depict the journey of life and also the creation of new life. These details bring such significant meaning to the overall message that this picture is trying to convey.
I'm sure this would evoke different feelings and thoughts to different people. Makes us ponder what life is all about and how should we live our lives... and what is beyond death.
4 pictures here summarizes the 4 phases of one's life, going thru childhood, courtship, relationship, losing a loved one and finally death itself. Notice the little details such as the number of birds, the kite, the trees and the time of day, all relating to the passage of one's life. Also, pay extra attention to the changes in the trees, how they change/age to depict the journey of life and also the creation of new life. These details bring such significant meaning to the overall message that this picture is trying to convey.
I'm sure this would evoke different feelings and thoughts to different people. Makes us ponder what life is all about and how should we live our lives... and what is beyond death.
This is slighty more dramatized version, with stronger colours and objects.
Answer is:
We're animals and follow the thing that we do best. Procreate and ensure the survival of human race. Unfortunately, that's the only answer. So don't sulk. :P